Housing Loan StationHousing refinancing service
For mortgage and utility bill payments, we are proposing to reduce your monthly fixed costs. One-third of household expenditures go toward mortgages and utilities, so you can expect an improvement in your income and expenditure just by reviewing them. All of us are qualified as "mortgage advisors" and we provide consulting services that are close to our customers as mortgage professionals.

KARIKARUMortgage Refinancing DX Tool
This is a DX service that allows you to refinance your mortgage from bank consultation to settlement. We propose mortgages suitable for customers from over 17,000 mortgages and approximately 753 financial institutions. Utilizing AI, learning accuracy increases as data is accumulated, and it is possible to make proposals that take into account not only the "interest rate" but also the screening pass rate. We will guide you in the shortest time by utilizing the "chat function" and "schedule function" from searching for the most suitable mortgage to executing the loan.

for Business
This is a Saas-type service for "real estate, finance, and telecommunications companies" to reduce and support complicated mortgage business. By reducing the mortgage business, we can expect to increase the added value and satisfaction of service provision. In addition to providing tools, we can also provide a support desk. We take care of the complicated mortgage business to a professional group of mortgages.