Infinity Agent -marketing company-

Corporate Governance

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  • Corporate Governance

Concept of corporate governance

While meeting the trust and expectations of our stakeholders, we will continue to take on new challenges without fear of change, and promote management that provides value to society and excitement to people.
Based on our philosophy of "Using digital and sales for infinity possibility" we provide services to our customers in good faith and provide all assets, shareholders, consumers, employees, and local communities involved. We will promote the business so that the interests of all stakeholders are maximized. In addition, we will establish a medium-term management plan, strive to disseminate it to officers and employees, and promote it toward completion.
We recognize that ensuring the effectiveness of corporate governance is indispensable, and we recognize it as the most important issue and will endeavor to realize highly objective and transparent management.

Management meeting system

The management meeting is composed of head of business division who supervise each department, and is held once a week in principle. We discuss and discuss a wide range of important issues and issues related to business execution.

Efforts for compliance system

We have obtained a money lending business license and a home building business license, and from the perspective of ensuring proper business operations, we comply with related laws and regulations, compliance regulations, various internal regulations, various approval authority regulations, etc., and sound corporate activities. We are promoting all kinds of compliance strengthening activities for the purpose of establishing and promoting a legal compliance system.
The Compliance Regulations aim to establish compliance policies, systems, management methods, etc., to be deeply aware of corporate social responsibility, to comply with relevant laws and regulations in daily business execution, and to practice behavior that conforms to social ethics increase. The purpose is to build a system in which our officers, advisors, employees, skilled employees, contract employees, temporary employees and dispatched workers comply with relevant laws, articles of incorporation, regulations, etc. in accordance with the "internal rules" separately set. increase.
In addition, in the evaluation system, for the purpose of thorough legal compliance and strengthening of risk management, we deduct points for troubles that occur in business and maintain appropriate and appropriate business activities between companies. Emphasis is placed on compliance without overemphasizing profit targets, and in-house training is provided to officers and employees to ensure thorough awareness. We will review the rules and take necessary measures including revision of these rules to prevent recurrence.

Basic policy for antisocial forces

We declare the following basic policy to prevent damage by groups or individuals (so-called antisocial forces) who pursue economic benefits by making full use of violence, power and fraudulent methods.

  • 1.We have no relationship with antisocial forces.
  • 2.In order to prevent damage caused by antisocial forces, we will cooperate with external specialized institutions such as police, violence expulsion movement promotion center, and lawyers, and respond systematically and appropriately.
  • 3.We will not respond to any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces and will take resolute legal action.
  • 4.We do not fund or do back-door transactions with antisocial forces.
  • 5.We will ensure the safety of officers and employees in response to the unreasonable demands of antisocial forces.